The “Tiempo de Ayudarnos” (Time to Help Each Other) campaign convened by the Fleishman Foundation and Tamaulipecos a Favor de la Educación Foundation has succesfully concluded this August. This campaign began on May 8, 2020, intending to support the invaluable work that Asociaciones Civiles del Sur de Tamaulipas have been doing in delivering food, pantries, and medical protection supplies to families and hospitals in our metropolitan area affected by the COVID 19 situation.
For each peso donated by the Society, the Fleishman Foundation, and Tamaulipecos a Favor de la Educación each have donated an additional peso, making “Tiempo de Ayudarnos” a great success with excellent results. 4.5 million pesos were collected and used to purchase 93.9 tons of beans, equivalent to 1,126,800 food rations; 8,350 pantries benefiting more than 33,400 people and 37,500 medical protection supplies were delivered to local hospitals.

The Fleishman Foundation and the Tamaulipecos a Favor de la Educación, chaired by Messrs. Herman Fleishman, Robert Fleishman, and Bruce Grossman, are grateful to Civil Society, Families, Companies, Beneficiary Organizations, Business Chambers, the Media, and Educational Institutions, for their donations and your full support and participation in “Tiempo de Ayudarnos.”

It was, doubtless, a campaign that managed to integrate our community which has always been responsible and concerned about its people and their environment. Associations such as Asociación Gilberto, Dr. Sonrisas, Salva a Chava, and Alianza 2021, Alimentos para la Caridad, local Rotary Clubs, Southern Tamaulipas Mexican Red Cross, Will Against Cancer, Casa del Niño Juan Bosco, Casa del Anciano, Árbol de Justicia, Casa Hogar San Pedro, Asilo Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Unión Provida, Nuestra Casita, Cáritas de Tampico, Centro de Musicoterapia FA, and Casa Amiga de la Obrera participated in this campaign.
These are Associations that have been the very active heart and hands of this successful campaign because, with their work and passion, they have managed to ensure that all the donations made by Civil Society arrive adequately in the form of food, pantries, and medical protection supplies, to the most vulnerable families in our metropolitan area and the medical staff of hospitals in Southern Tamaulipas.

“Tiempo de Ayudarnos” is part of the affection and commitment that the Fleishman and Grossman Families have toward our community, bringing together wills and working as a team with Charity Associations to generate a positive impact in Tampico, Madero, and Altamira.