On November 5, the Graduation Ceremony of the Social Leadership Diploma was held. The course was taught by Tecnológico de Monterrey, and sponsored by the Fleishman Foundation, seeking to strengthen organizations and foundations in Southern Tamaulipas so they can continue to transform our environment and jointly generate a significant impact in the community.
The ceremony was held at the Tecnológico de Monterrey facilities with the attendance of Mr. Herman H. Fleishman, President of the Fleishman Foundation and GT GLOBAL, and Dr. Ana Cecilia Torres, Dean of the Continuing Education & Internationalization at Tecnológico de Monterrey. She awarded the diplomas to the 32 participants belonging to the twelve benefited Associations. Marco Vargas Herrada, Director of Campus Tampico, as well as Lic. Mariana Priego, Manager at Fundación Fleishman, Juan Ignacio Haces, and Lic. Sergio Rodríguez Almaguer, Executive Directors, also took part in the presidium of GT GLOBAL. Relatives of the graduates and executives from Tecnológico de Monterrey and GT GLOBAL also attended the ceremony.

The event began with the welcoming words of Marco Vargas, Director of Tec de Monterrey, congratulated the Fleishman Foundation and its President, Herman Fleishman, promoting this diploma course and for the significant impact on our community. Next, Sergio Rodríguez Almaguer, Executive Director at GT GLOBAL, congratulated all graduates and reaffirmed the commitment of the Fleishman Foundation and GT GLOBAL to continue promoting the transformation of our environment.
Later, Alejandra Gómez de Astaburuaga gave an emotional message on behalf of the benefited organizations. She thanked each association for the opportunity to grow and help more underprivileged persons. On behalf of the Fleishman Foundation, Mariana Priego confirmed the Foundation’s vision is present in its actions to strengthen local organizations and continue to generate significant impact in our community.

The Fleishman Foundation, chaired by brothers Herman and Robert Fleishman, awarded full scholarships for this Social Leadership Diploma that lasted eight months in which Alimentos para la Caridad, Asociación Gilberto Tampico, Casa del Anciano, Construyendo Tejido Social, Doctor Sonrisas, Fundación EXAICT, Fundación Paola Zozaya, Fundación Tamaulipeca Doy Sangre Doy Vida, Instituto Fray Andrés de Olmos, Nuestra Casita, Unión Pro Vida, and Centro de Musicoterapia FA.

This action responds to the Fleishman Foundation’s vision of being a high-impact philanthropic leader, empowering organizations, and society to develop significant and long-term social change, promoting different strategies that contribute to the development of organizations that benefit our community.