On Wednesday, August 21, at the IEST-Anáhuac facilities, the Fleishman Foundation awarded two full tuition scholarships for two bright young people in need of financial support so they can study at IEST-Anáhuac university.
The Fleishman Foundation Scholarship absorbs the cost of the entire college tuition at the IEST-Anáhuac university, as well as the costs of being part of the IMPULSA program of this institution, which is a leadership program in social commitment, which integrates young people from a great sensitivity, social awareness, and firm concern for triggering high-level projects for the transformation of society.

The IEST-Anáhuac, a presitigious educational institution in Southern Tamaulipas, has 45 years training positive action leaders and promoting our society’s development. They are part of the Anahuac University Network, with which they share their educational model of comprehensive training.
At the presentation of the Fleishman Foundation Scholarship, Gloria Laura Septién and Eduardo Meléndez attended on behalf of IEST-Anahuac. On the other hand, in representation of the Fleishman Foundation and GT GLOBAL were Juan Ignacio Haces, Sergio Rodríguez, and Mariana Priego.

These Scholarships are one of the most commendable actions carried out by the Fleishman Foundation, chaired by brothers Herman H. and Robert Fleishman. Through these scholarships, two young people will transform their lives through education, professional training, and strengthening their social commitment, developing skills that allow them to influence the social aspect of our community positively.

With these contributions, the Fleishman Foundation seeks to promote best talent and the training of transforming leaders with social impact who support our community.